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Below is some information on this sacred area of the body, what it connects to and holds, and a more in depth description of what may be achieved through receiving a treatment in service to this area.



For women, massage to the womb area can unwind the tissues and tension that is held here, creating space for movement, flow and congruence of the pelvic bowl, it supports the physical structures to come back into alignment (having a centrally suspended uterus is key to female health and well-being), aiding with healthier menstrual cycles and hormonal balance. Along with this, Womb/Abdominal Massage supports the woman to come back into deeper relationship with this sacred and central area of her body and womanhood. Personally, I have experienced a sense of 'coming home' to myself - my cycles, my natural rhythm and connection to life, my intuition and my deep knowing. 


For men, massage and body work to this area can clear blockages to the essential energy pathways that run here, which can result in a renewed sense of vitality and power. For men especially this area is connected to the sense of self, how he stands in and moves through the world, how he shares himself and how he is received. Receiving support and nourishment through massage to this sacred and vital space can be deeply healing for him. 


For both sexes this is a central area of power, creativity, and generation of life-force energy; it is connected to our sense of survival, authenticity, pleasure/sexuality and empowerment. The health and balance of this area - and your connection to it - directly correlates with how you see the aforementioned qualities manifest in your external life.


Along with this, there are so many important organs housed in the abdomen - medicine has for a while now recognised the intrinsic link between our mental/emotional state and our gut health. Working with the digestive system in massage can greatly support the balancing of this. 


The Sacral area of the body is also connected to your genetics and ancestry - we were all once in our mother’s wombs, and in our grandmothers wombs as an egg within our mothers. Modern science has proven the effects of pre-natal experience and epigenetics; how we are all imprinted and effected by the lives of our mothers, her experience whilst we were in the womb, and our ancestors that came before her. Working with this centre can support the healing of possible traumas and patterns that we may have inherited (along with those experienced in this lifetime) but that do not serve us here and now.

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