The relational dynamic we hold with ourselves and our body either leads us towards harmony and balance (the natural and therefore healing frequency) or dissonance and discord (separation from the natural frequency).

As long as we view our bodies, symptoms and states as a problem and something to be ‘fixed’ - we will be unable to come into harmony with ourselves and therefore cultivate the conditions necessary for wellness and healing.
Until we become allies with our body and learn to befriend it (and therefore ourselves) with love and compassion we will feel that our body is at war with us, against us - and this will be our lived reality. This will be how we experience our symptoms and state of existence.
It’s the shift from ‘ugh/argh my body’s doing this and I can’t/it won’t do what I want to do’ - to ‘oh, my body is telling me something, it needs something, let me become curious about this, and therefore able to respond’.
Can you feel the alliance you will build with your body and health through treating it in this way? Through treating YOURSELF in this way? And the empowerment you will gain through learning its messages and what it needs through living in harmony together?
This, in my experience, is what initiates the journey we can take with our bodies, health and well-being; hand-in-hand, walking this path we call life together as one, learning and growing together. Versus an ongoing battlefield of the self V the body, where harmony and true health (dare I say it) will not be received, cultivated or experienced.
Photograph: ‘SelfLove Hug’ by Raisa de Koning